In the new adaptation of The Day of the Jackal (one of the most anticipated upcoming TV shows), Eddie Redmayne takes on the role of the Jackal, a ruthless British assassin. As a long-time Omega ambassador, Redmayne has collaborated with the watch brand to feature three standout watches, each adding subtle layers to the Jackal’s complex personality.

Throughout the show, the Omega Seamaster Railmaster, Aqua Terra Shades, and Globemaster subtly reveal layers of the Jackal’s multifaceted identity, becoming an extension of the character’s tactical mind and shifting personas.

The watches, like the character, are symbols of both precision and mystery, subtly marking each moment of his journey. Check out the pieces below:

Omega Seamaster Railmaster (

The 40mm Railmaster, crafted from stainless steel and paired with a two-tone black textile strap, is the Jackal’s go-to watch in the field. As the most featured timepiece in the show, it’s a constant presence on his wrist during missions, embodying both durability and precision.

Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra Shades (

The 38mm Aqua Terra, crafted in stainless steel with a subtle sandstone-coloured dial, appears on the Jackal’s wrist in his more private moments. It’s his watch of choice when he’s with his wife, adding a touch of understated warmth and elegance.

Omega Globemaster (

The 39mm Globemaster, rendered in luxurious 18K Sedna Gold with a rich brown leather strap, completes the Jackal’s disguise as the character Thirsk. This refined watch adds an air of sophistication, seamlessly blending with his carefully crafted persona.

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